Victoria Navin

Victoria Navin

SEND Educator, Trainer, Writer and Founder of Rhyming Multisensory Storie

About Victoria Navin

Victoria Navin is a dedicated professional in the field of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) who has created a captivating collection of downloadable, fully resourced, step-by-step multi-sensory stories and teaching packs designed to connect learners to literature, culture, history, and topic through the senses in a way that is meaningful, promotes skills, and provides experiences to enhance and enrich people’s lives.

Victoria’s early teaching career began in 2001 when she taught EFL to Spanish and Moroccan students and literacy skills to the British and Irish traveling communities. Victoria then moved on to work in mainstream primary followed by 11 years at a special school in Cheshire.


Collaboration: Little Pigs, Big Lessons

Victoria’s enthusiasm was palpable when she discovered Luula’s creative tables:

“I love the multi-functionality of the Montessori table and chair set which makes it a versatile tool for learning, sparking children’s and adolescent’s imagination and promoting of many skills.

The transparent acrylic board, chalkboard, and roll of paper offer opportunities for mark-making.

The compartments are ideal for placing story props in to facilitate a multisensory story. I had great fun working with Inga in writing the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ (see Inspirations) to accompany the table. The blackboard, acrylic board, and paper roll enable the learner to work on memory and comprehension skills as they plan and re-tell the story through a piece of artwork.

Lift the lid on the desk and you will find a readymade sensory bin in which you can place items like sand and leaves for sensory play, enabling the learner to explore and express their likes, dislikes, and sensory preferences and explore the world around them. Create themes in the sensory bin, add shells, seaweed, driftwood, and mark-making tools to create a sensory beach, and add leaves, twigs, pinecones, and feathers, to create an Autumn sensory bin.

My favorite feature of the table is the lock that enables the activity to be paused and resumed when the learner returns to the activity.

The table is an innovative piece of kit and I highly recommend it.”

In 2022, our collaborative project took off, resulting in an exciting sensory story featuring three little pigs and an evil wolf. This story was thoughtfully tailored to complement Luula’s creativity-boosting tables, ensuring an enriching and immersive experience for young minds. The moral of this story is both engaging and instructive: “lazy people have a hard life.”


Meet Victoria

Victoria divides her time between writing resources and delivering online training workshops to parents/carers, and professionals working in education.

Victoria writes a blog that includes a free, monthly, teaching calendar packed with sensory ideas.

The website has ideas, inspiration, strategies, and free resources.

Your questions, queries, comments, and feedback are always welcome. Victoria loves to talk all things multisensory!’

Get in touch: 



Facebook: Rhyming Multisensory Stories

Pinterest: Rhyming Multisensory Stories

LinkedIn: Rhyming Multisensory Stories Victoria Navin

Visit the Shop: Rhyming Multisensory Stories

Victoria Navin’s work is a testament to her commitment to providing children and young people with imaginative and meaningful storytelling experiences, making learning a delightful adventure.